Rachel Carson’s Lost Serenade for Cloud Science, Rediscovered and Illustrated by Artist Nikki McClure – The Marginalian

A version of this essay appeared in Book review by The New York Times.. The cloud is a spell against indifference, a symbol water circulation what makes this planet a living world, capable of trees and tenderness, a great cosmic sigh at the improbability of such a world existing, that in the cold expanse of … Read more

9 Zasady podwójnego wysyłania SMS-ów na randkach

Podwójne SMS-y: randkowe faux pas, które może sprawić, że będziesz wyglądać na przywiązanego, zdesperowanego lub po prostu irytującego. Ale poczekaj, czy podwójne SMS-y są naprawdę takie złe? Prawda jest taka, że ​​można to zrobić dobrze i źle. We współczesnym świecie randek, gdzie kluczowa jest komunikacja, opanowanie sztuki podwójnego tekstu może zadecydować o różnicy między początkującym … Read more

10 Tips for Success and Happiness

When life is overwhelming or you’re having a very stressful week then it can feel like you have no control. Like you’re a small ship being tossed around on a violent and chaotic sea. No fun for sure. At these times I find it helpful to first just focus on breathing deeply and slowly. And … Read more

6 tricks that will increase your productivity as a business owner

Entrepreneurs are always looking for ways to achieve more with the time and resources they have. Business owners can use clever productivity tricks to overcome these limitations and get the most out of their projects. To improve your daily performance, it is wise to establish routines and plan carefully. If you own a smaller business, … Read more